How to Make Cloud Computing Secure for Your Small Business

From the continuous availability of data on the go to the cost savings you can receive, using the cloud instead of an on-premise solution can have numerous benefits for small businesses.

But with the constant barrage of news reports about data leaks and security breaches in the news today, security has never before been so top of mind for businesses and consumers.

The issue is serious, of course, and is one reason that many companies hesitate to migrate all their data onto the cloud or to even invest in cloud technology in the first place.

The good news is that if you are planning on investing in a cloud-based solution, there are a few different ways to do so without worrying about a security compromise or breach.

Want to know how to make cloud computing secure for your small business? Here are three things you can do.


1) Choose the right cloud provider.

Even though the cloud can actually be more secure than on-site servers in certain instances, you need to have the right cloud provider to ensure this.

When evaluating cloud providers, do so carefully and thoroughly.  Here are some things to keep in mind when you evaluate different vendors that Justin Hectus from Keesal, Young & Logan advises in a recent Accounting Today article:

  • What is the provider’s reputation?
  • Do they have any certifications?
  • Do they meet ISO standards?
  • Do they have anti-ransomware or antivirus measures in place?
  • Can they include two-factor authentication and encryption in your office and on mobile devices?


2) Use the access control and identity tools that your cloud provider offers.

Going back to #1, it’s important to have a cloud provider that offers you access control and identity tools if you want to make cloud computing secure for your business.

After you make sure that you have these tools, utilize them in your business so you can control who has access to data and when they have access to that data.


3) Track security logging in your system.

Security logging tools will most likely be offered by your cloud provider as well. By using these tools, you can keep an eye on and track unauthorized access attempts, among other things.

One way to do so is to set up a recurring audit or alarms. For extra security and further protection, you can set up your security to whitelist IP ranges.

As a result, you will know if unauthorized companies or people are trying to get into your system, and you can catch this before it becomes an issue.

Those are just a few of the ways you can make cloud computing secure for your small business.

The most important thing to know is that you can invest in cloud technology and prevent data breaches or security leaks simultaneously.